laboratory for maririme transport

NTUA is the oldest (1836), largest and arguably the most prestigious Technical University in Greece.  It is divided into 9 academic Schools, covering all major engineering specializations, as well as engineering science. The School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NA&ME) is the youngest one in NTUA (1969) and claims today a top per capital research position within the University.  It counts today over 600 students, 35 doctoral candidates and a regular staff of 34, of which 24 are faculty members and, therefore, is currently one of the largest and most active in Europe.
Following Greece’s rich maritime tradition, the Laboratory for Maritime Transport (LMT) is active in practically all areas of maritime transport R&D, having completed or being involved in projects in areas such as technology, management, economics, logistics, telematics, human aspects, environment, and safety. LMT has been involved in many research projects within the aforementioned areas (FLAGSHIP, CHINOS, MOSES ,TRAINMOS, SSS-CA, EU-MOP SUPERGREEN, ECOMARINE, CYCLADES, LEANWIND, MARINELIVE, DC-SHIP TRAINMOS II, MONA LISA 2.0, PICASSO, ELEMED, SHIPLYS, CYNERGY, OPTINET, ENIRISST, VESSELSLIFE, ISOLA).

Role in BioSFerA

In the context of BIOSFerA, NTUA is the partner responsible for the social LCA and the social CBA. More specifically, the input, output and external effects of the project will be valued at their social opportunity costs, and the return will be calculated as a proper measure of the project’s contribution to social welfare. The analysis will reflect the social view on how future benefits and costs should be valued across the whole Lifecycle of the new jet and marine fuels. The analysis will measure any social and environmental externalities, as it will be conducted from the point of view of society, not just the project owner. The examination of such indicators will indicate if the new fuels will use too many socially valuable resources to achieve benefits for all citizens.

laboratory for maririme transport

NTUA is the oldest (1836), largest and arguably the most prestigious Technical University in Greece.  It is divided into 9 academic Schools, covering all major engineering specializations, as well as engineering science. The School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering (NA&ME) is the youngest one in NTUA (1969) and claims today a top per capital research position within the University.  It counts today over 600 students, 35 doctoral candidates and a regular staff of 34, of which 24 are faculty members and, therefore, is currently one of the largest and most active in Europe.

Following Greece’s rich maritime tradition, the Laboratory for Maritime Transport (LMT) is active in practically all areas of maritime transport R&D, having completed or being involved in projects in areas such as technology, management, economics, logistics, telematics, human aspects, environment, and safety. LMT has been involved in many research projects within the aforementioned areas (FLAGSHIP, CHINOS, MOSES ,TRAINMOS, SSS-CA, EU-MOP SUPERGREEN, ECOMARINE, CYCLADES, LEANWIND, MARINELIVE, DC-SHIP TRAINMOS II, MONA LISA 2.0, PICASSO, ELEMED, SHIPLYS, CYNERGY, OPTINET, ENIRISST, VESSELSLIFE, ISOLA).

Role in BioSFerA

In the context of BIOSFerA, NTUA is the partner responsible for the social LCA and the social CBA. More specifically, the input, output and external effects of the project will be valued at their social opportunity costs, and the return will be calculated as a proper measure of the project’s contribution to social welfare. The analysis will reflect the social view on how future benefits and costs should be valued across the whole Lifecycle of the new jet and marine fuels. The analysis will measure any social and environmental externalities, as it will be conducted from the point of view of society, not just the project owner. The examination of such indicators will indicate if the new fuels will use too many socially valuable resources to achieve benefits for all citizens.