


Deliverable D2.2 “Report on selected evaluation indicators

Deliverable 2.2 “Report on selected evaluation indicators” is a public document of the BioSFerA project, delivered in the context of WP2 “Definition of full value chain” and it is an output of the Task 2.2 “KPIs definition”.

Deliverable D2.1 Stakeholders requirements and market needs

Within this document, the identification of the stakeholders has been performed and a series of questionnaires has been developed in order to define their requirements and specifications, emphasizing on the potential benefits that BioSFerA project should bring to the fore.

Deliverable D1.2 Data Management Plan (first version)

This deliverable is the first version of the BioSFerA Data Management Plan and comprises the way that research data is handled during and after the project, what data will be collected, processed or generated, the methodology & standards to be applied and the kind of data sharing. Moreover, the methodology of how data will be shared and/or how to make them available to users is also presented.

Deliverable D2.3 Analysis of selected feedstock

Within this document, the feedstock selection and characterization of the BioSFerA project takes place. The feedstock selection was based on the fulfilment of three main prerequisites: availability/sustainability i.e. capacities for large scale applications, favourable technical characteristics for good performance at the integrated BioSFerA system and market competitiveness.

Deliverable 2.5 Full BioSFerA process basic definition

Within this document, the overall process of the BioSFerA concept is defined and an initial design and operational framework for each component of the proposed value chain is set. The full process definition was carried out targeting to large-scale applications of the concept.

Deliverable 3.1 – Bench-scale gasification tests at TRL4

This document refers to VTT activities on Task 3.1 in the context of WP3 “Biological production of lipids from syngas at lab scale”. It is focused on syngas production with the evaluation and validation of gasification process on the different feedstocks selected.

Deliverable 3.2 Metabolic engineering of acetogenic bacteria for efficient syngas fermentation & acetate production

Report on the research activity at biological level led by CSIC with the main goal to identify the best acetogenic bacterial strain able to produce acetate based on the produced syngas composition and the presence of possible inhibitors; to genetically modify the selected acetogenic bacterial strains in order to increase its acetate production.

Deliverable 3.3 Metabolic engineering of oleaginous yeasts for efficient acetate fermentation and medium & long chain TAGs production

Report on the second stage of the biological process dedicated to the production of TAGs from acetate fermentation using oleaginous yeasts, with two major goals: to identify the main genes and metabolic routes of oleaginous yeasts involved in acetate tolerance/high TAGs production, to genetically modify oleaginous yeasts in order to use the acetate and convert it into C14 and C16-18 TAGs.

Deliverable 3.4 Optimization of syngas fermentation process parameters for acetic acid production (1st stage)

Deliverable 3.4 is a public document of the BioSFerA project, delivered in the context of WP3 “Biological production of lipids from syngas at lab scale”.

Deliverable 3.5 Optimization of acetate fermentation process parameters for C14 and C16-18 TAGs production (2nd stage)

Deliverable 3.5 is a public document of the BioSFerA project, delivered in the context of WP3 “Biological production of lipids from syngas at lab scale” and more specifically in the task 3.4 “Optimization of acetate fermentation process parameters for C14 and C16-18 TAGs production (2nd stage) using metabolically engineered oleaginous yeasts”.

Deliverable 3.6 Lab scale downstream processing for TAGs recovery and purification using conventional and novel strategies

Deliverable 3.6 is a public document of the BioSFerA project, delivered in the context of WP3 “Biological production of lipids from syngas at lab scale” and more specifically on Task 3.6. It focuses on the exploration of different techniques for the extraction and purification of triacylglycerol (TAG), which was produced by fermentation and occurs intracellularly in the yeast Y. lipolytica, on lab scale.

Deliverable 4.3 Integration of the mobile fermentation unit to synthesis gas plant

This deliverable D4.3 Piloting of the integrated synthesis gas and mobile fermentation unit is demonstration (DEM) deliverable and shows the highlights of the integration activity that was conducted in WP4. The technical results will be presented in detail in D4.4. Results of the pilot run.

Deliverable 4.5 Scale-up of TAG production

This deliverable D4.5 is a public document of BioSFerA project, describing the development of a production process for microbial oil in the form of triacylglycerol (TAG) at pilot scale.

Deliverable 5.1 Pre-selection catalyst and set-up

This deliverable D5.1 is a public document of BioSFerA project, describing the activity of WP5 “Lipids upgrading, final products characterization & quality control”.

Deliverable 5.2 Selection of 2 catalyst and preliminary processing condition

Deliverable 5.2 is a short public version presenting the experimental study developed for the Task 5.2 entitled “Selection of 2 catalyst and preliminary processing conditions”. The purpose of the study was to investigate the upgrading of Triglycerides that were produced in a previous WP 3 and 4.

Deliverable 5.3 Identification of optimal operating window for TAG upgrading

Deliverable 5.3 is a continuation of deliverable 5.2 from WP5 on the investigation of three different catalytic systems for the hydroprocessing of TAGs using a model compound (blend of 4 vegetable oils).

Deliverable 6.1 Report on DFB Gasification Modelling 

This deliverable presents the modelling of the dual fluidized bed (DFB) gasification in Task 6.1.

Deliverable 6.2 Results of full-chain process simulations

This deliverable aims at further specifying, reforming, and optimizing the major aspects and the resulting Heat & Mass balances of the process layout, thus laying the foundation for further scale-up ambitions and socio-economic studies in the BioSFerA project.

Deliverable 2.4 Determination of the main input parameters for the case studies

This deliverable set the sceneries of the commercial application of BioSFerA concept by determining the boundary conditions of it. Primarily the replicability and scalability of BioSFerA concept at industrial level in terms of feedstock capacities is assessed and secondly, some preliminary techno-economic data are gathered in order to define the framework of a potential BioSFerA-based biorefinery operation that will be used in the scale up (WP6) and impact evaluation (WP7) activities.