A joint publication: BioSFerA&CLARA projects
A new publication for BioSFerA jointly with the CLARA project. In the framework of the 31st European Biomass Conference&Exhibition, held in Bologna (Italy) on these days, CERTH published and presented the following paper: “‘A comparative analysis and assessment of Dual Fluidized Bed and Chemical Looping Gasification: Design considerations for commercial use and applicability in BtL schemes”.
The conference paper gathers the results on the gasification process comparing the two technologies, the Dual Fluidized Bed (DFBG) and the Chemical Looping Gasification (CLG), tested by the projects and gives first considerations on the technology maturity for their integration into the market. As short conclusion of the study, on the one hand, the DFBG can be considered a sufficiently mature (tested up to 32 MWth) and solid technology that is able to support large scale gasification based biorefineries. On the other hand, the favorable aspects of the emerging CLG technology (just tested up to 15 MWth) should be exploited in large scale applications as well, only after further maturation of the technology that will decisively mitigate any technical (e.g. agglomeration) and financial (OC make up costs) risks.
Have a look at the full PRESENTATION
BioSFerA’s representative: Nikos Detsios