Entries by Monica Risso

BioSFerA in the Synergy Info Pack by CORDIS

BioSFerA Project is one of the 33 EU-funded projects managed by CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency to advance Europe’s clean energy transition. CORDIS has now published a synergie brochure with the collection of all funded projects involved into the decabornisation and Clean Energy transition goals of Europe. Discover BioSFerA in the SYNERGY […]


“Piloting of gasification and gas fermentation plants: BioSFerA Project” is the title of the article dedicated to BioSFerA where Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant and VTT explain the pilot plant activity to the newsletter’s community of EERA, the European Alliance for excellent research in sustainable bioenergy.  FULL ARTICLE

BioSFerA’s Consortium gathers in Helsinki and visits the project’s pilot plant at VTT

Last May the BioSFerA international partnership met for its 6th General Assembly in Helsinki to discuss the activities of this final year of the project. It was an important opportunity to visit the project’s pilot plant, starting to appreciate concretely the BioSFerA concept scaling-up to TRL5. The General Assembly was the opportunity for the entire […]

EUROPACAT2023: BioSFerA is there!

From the 27th of August until today, 1st of September 2023, the 15th European Congress on Catalysis (EUROPACAT) is ongoing in Prague: a biannual congress dedicated to the studies in the field of catalysis, related industrial areas and beyond. This year, the congress is held in the Prague Congress Centre, Prague, Czech Republic. Sakis Sakis […]

Attending the ICCDU23

Last 25th-29th of June, the 20th International Conference on Carbon Dioxide Utilisation took place in Bari (Italy). For nearly thirty years, the ICCDU has provided a global meeting place for chemists, engineers, and environmental policy planners to come together and discuss the latest CO₂ capture and utilisation developments. The conference covers today a large number of topics spanning from biological fixation, […]

BioSFerA in Spain for Biotec 2023

Last week, BioSFerA was at the Biotec 2023, the XVIII Congress of the Spanish Society of Biotechnology held in Madrid from July 17 until 20, 2023. The Congress, organised by SEBiot – the Spanish Society of Biotechnology, is an important appointment for researchers and professionals working in the field of biotechnology. After years of COVID-isolation, […]

CHANIA2023: BioSFerA was there

A new poster and a new conference for BioSFerA: CERTH participated at the 10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, held last 21-24 June 2023 in Chania, Greece. The Conference aims to stimulate the interest of scientists and citizens and inform them about the latest developments in the field of municipal solid waste management […]

Taking part at the 8th AIGE-IIETA International Conference

14th-15th of June, Turin (Italy), the 8th AIGE-IIETA International Conference and the 18th AIGE Conference on “Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems” is taking place. BioSFerA wanted to be part of the event, bringing its contributions on the biomass and bioenergy research: Giorgia Pellegrino presented the project and the Environment Park’s work […]

A joint publication: BioSFerA&CLARA projects

A new publication for BioSFerA jointly with the CLARA project. In the framework of the 31st European Biomass Conference&Exhibition, held in Bologna (Italy) on these days, CERTH published and presented the following paper: “‘A comparative analysis and assessment of Dual Fluidized Bed and Chemical Looping Gasification: Design considerations for commercial use and applicability in BtL […]

BioSFerA at the EUBCE2023

This year the EUBCE 2023, the 31st European Biomass Conference&Exhibition will be held in Bologna, Italy. An important appointment falling every two years and gathering international organizations and companies to discuss about the biomass techonologies role in the decabornisation road. From the 5th until the 8th of June, researchers and experts will meet at the […]