Entries by Monica Risso

BioSFerA meets refining industry leaders at the Downstream 4.0 Summit

Mr. Maarten Van Haute from Q8 Research partecipates at the Downstream 4.0 Summit, the international summit gathering more than 20 globlal industry leaders to accelerate refining business conversion towards 2050 goals, by adopting and deploying new energy transition trends with technology and production developments. A good opportunity for discussion and presentation of the research development […]

BioSFerA project presented at ECOS 2021 Conference

CERTH team has successfully participated to the ECOS 2021 Conference presenting the paper ‘Aviation & maritime biofuels production via a combined thermochemical/biochemical pathway: A conceptual design and process simulation study’.  The presented paper contained a first orientation of the suggested concept from start-to-end, as developed within the first year of the project.

BioSFerA H2020, first year project results

BioSFerA project aims to develop a cost-effective production method of sustainable aviation and maritime fuels, by combining different technologies. Despite the Covid 19 restrictions, after one year since the beginning of the project, the first goals have been successfully achieved. First of all CERTH carried out an assessment of the potential to replicate the BioSFerA […]