Environment Park is the Science and Technology Park dedicated to the environment established in Torino in 2000. Environment Park works to promote sustainable innovation and to support companies to invest in clean technologies. Its activities are divided into two business units: Innovation services and Real Estate services. Within Innovation services it provides expert technical advice in Cleantech related areas: Energy efficiency and green construction, Green Chemistry, Advanced Energy Systems and technology transfer for Clean Industrial solutions.
In particular, the Green Chemistry sector deals with the valorisation of II and III generation biomass in a logic of economic and environmental sustainability of the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors, through the definition and development of dedicated processes to identify the potential of a by-product and transform it into biochemical products, functional compounds, biofuels and energy. The Green Chemistry sector is equipped with pilot scale plants to carry out pre-treatment tests on organic matrices for the extraction of compounds of interest in the field of green chemistry, fermentation tests and anaerobic digestion for the production of volatile fatty acids, biohydrogen and biomethane.

Role in BioSFerA

In Biosfera project Environment Park is in charge of the extraction and purification of the TAGs lipids from the oleaginous yeasts.
Based on Environment Park experience in the field of renewable sources valorisation and biofuel production, this action is focus on steam explosion lipids recovery potentials and pathways, by applying the technologies actually available and considering different possible process parameters and process steps.
The extraction and purification are done by performing tests at pilot scale and generate purified lipids used by other partners by hydro-treatments for the final conversion into biofuels.
The TAGs recovery at pilot scale are achieved by the use of innovative technologies like steam explosion followed by mechanical extraction and centrifugation/membrane separation.
In addition, Envipark is in charge of the communication and dissemination activity for the whole partnership.


Environment Park is the Science and Technology Park dedicated to the environment established in Torino in 2000. Environment Park works to promote sustainable innovation and to support companies to invest in clean technologies. Its activities are divided into two business units: Innovation services and Real Estate services. Within Innovation services it provides expert technical advice in Cleantech related areas: Energy efficiency and green construction, Green Chemistry, Advanced Energy Systems and technology transfer for Clean Industrial solutions.
In particular, the Green Chemistry sector deals with the valorisation of II and III generation biomass in a logic of economic and environmental sustainability of the agricultural and agro-industrial sectors, through the definition and development of dedicated processes to identify the potential of a by-product and transform it into biochemical products, functional compounds, biofuels and energy. The Green Chemistry sector is equipped with pilot scale plants to carry out pre-treatment tests on organic matrices for the extraction of compounds of interest in the field of green chemistry, fermentation tests and anaerobic digestion for the production of volatile fatty acids, biohydrogen and biomethane.

Role in BioSFerA

In Biosfera project Environment Park is in charge of the extraction and purification of the TAGs lipids from the oleaginous yeasts.
Based on Environment Park experience in the field of renewable sources valorisation and biofuel production, this action is focus on steam explosion lipids recovery potentials and pathways, by applying the technologies actually available and considering different possible process parameters and process steps.
The extraction and purification are done by performing tests at pilot scale and generate purified lipids used by other partners by hydro-treatments for the final conversion into biofuels.
The TAGs recovery at pilot scale are achieved by the use of innovative technologies like steam explosion followed by mechanical extraction and centrifugation/membrane separation.
In addition, Envipark is in charge of the communication and dissemination activity for the whole partnership.