Entries by Monica Risso

BioSFerA at the ECOMONDO Exhibition

From 8th to 11th November, BioSFerA will take part at the ECOMONDO Exhibition, International fair dedicated to the circular economy and the ecological transition with base in Rimini (Italy). An important annual event for circular economy experts from several sectors to meet each other and receive updates about the last technological innovations. BioSFerA will be […]

BioSFerA at the 2022 International Freiberg Conference on Waste Gasification

Our partner VTT participated at the 2022 International Freiberg Conference on Waste Gasification, held in Germany last 19-21 September. Ville Nikkanen presented its research on syngas processing in a poster titled “Fluidized bed gasification of wastes and syngas processing”.  The work shows the technical results of the gasification process exploration from different types of feedstock, […]

BioSFerA H2020, project’s update and meeting in Madrid

For the first time, after two years of project, the BioSFerA Consortium meets in person in Madrid. The first physical meeting took place last 3rd – 4th May at the Center for Biological Research Margarita Salas (CIB) of our partner CSIC, the Spanish National Research Council. The two-days meeting was also the opportunity to visit […]


Interview with Ville Nikkanen The syngas production from different biomass feedstocks is the first process step characterising the concept proposed by BioSFerA. Thanks to the exploration of these biofeedstocks from all over Europe, the improvement of the gasification process allows to increase the value of the BioSFerA’s technology according to sustainability and circularity principles. As […]

The importance of the microorganisms’ study in the BioSFerA concept

Interview with José Luis García Spanish Nation Research Council (CSIC), as one of the largest European public research institution with high expertise in the biotechnology field, gives its contribution to BioSFerA on biological processes at laboratory scale thorough its institute, the Center for Biological Research Margarita Salas (CIB) (Madrid). Its main activity is the research […]

BioSFerA at the BIOCON-CO2 Final Symposium

On 14th – 15th of June, BioSFerA will be hosted at the final event of its sister project BIOCON-CO2, a H2020 project which worked on the development and validation of a versatile platform capable of using biological processes to transform raw CO2 waste from the iron, steel, cement and electric power industries into value-added chemicals […]

Talking about BioSFerA in the magazine Nuova Energia

A new article for our project: BioSFerA is mentioned in the Italian specialized magazine Nuova Energia dedicated to the innovation and last results on the energy field. The contribution written by the partner ENVIPARK and entitled “Scarti vegetali e rifiuti per decarbonizzare navi e aerei” gives a short presentation of the project and how it […]


Last 3rd – 4th of May 2022, the BioSFerA Consortium met for the first time at the CIB-CSIC headquarter in Madrid. After two years of online work, the 11 partners joined in a physical General Assembly. The face-to-face meeting has paid off, increasing the collaboration and ideas among the partners. Productive discussions came out within […]


BioSFerA is ready to annouce its project newsletter. WHY A NEWSLETTER? Starting our third year of research work, we have decided to promote the project with a dedicated newsletter available every 4 months where go deepen on BioSFerA progresses and results, share news and opportunities related to biofuels in maritime and aviation industry. Wheter you […]

Valuable mid-term results for BioSFerA H2020

At nearly half of its way, the BioSFerA project is aligned with the planned activities and some first interesting results highlight the technical value of the BioSFerA concept. Achieved the potential assessment of its replicability across Europe at commercial scale, as well as the identification of the overall value chain, progresses follow from the biological […]