Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Journal: a new paper on BioSFerA
The CERTH team published a new scientific paper resulting from the development of the BioSFerA’s concept. The publication, entitled “Design considerations of an integrated thermochemical/biochemical route for aviation and maritime biofuel production“, describes the conceptual design of the novel integrated thermochemical-biochemical BtL process performed in our project.
The process design has been analysed considering three different operational scenarios examined and assessed mainly through overall performance indicators: carbon utilization (CU), energetic fuel efficiency (EFE), liquid fuel mass yield, and overall energetic/exergetic efficiency. As outlined in the study, design considerations and their impact on process efficiency were performed within the assumed scenarios, including parameters such as internal/external hydrogen securement via pressure swing adsorption (PSA)/water electrolysis and oxy-/air-acetate fermentation as well as autothermal/allothermal operation of the catalytic reformer. Aim of the study is also the definition of the key process specifications and the evaluation of the proposed concept compared to other competitive technologies.
To have a full overview of the BioSFerA process design, explore the entire article, free available in the Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Journal (Springer) and in our Publications section.