Entries by Monica Risso

Lipid biosynthesis from oleaginous yeast

“Influence of acetate as main carbon source for lipid production via oleaginous yeast fermentation” is the title of the scientific poster presented by CARTIF at the 2nd Greenering International Conference in Valladolid (Spain), 21st-23rd March 2023. The poster shows the BioSFerA’s research on the use of acetate as main carbon source for the production of […]

Lipids upgrading and final product characterization

BioSFerA is approaching its last year of project and, with it, the downstream phase that will finally lead to the production of jet and bunker fuels resulting from our innovative biofuels production concept. The TAG lipids, directly coming out from the fermentation process in the BBEPP’s laboratory, will be sent to the research team of […]

March 2023: the BioSFerA pilot plant integration is starting!

Last updates from the BioSFerA’s pilot plant: after 2400 km over land and sea, the fermentation unit is now arrived in Finland. The previous months steel mill manufacturer Arcelor Mittal Ghent was host to the Bio Base Mobile Pilot Plant (BBMPP), the fermentation mobile plant designed and constructed by Bio Base Europe Pilot. Now, in […]

Alternative Aviation Fuels/Pathways: A Critical Review from CERTH

“Recent Advances on Alternative Aviation Fuels/Pathways: A Critical Review” is the new scientific paper published by our coordinator CERTH on the Energies journal (MDPI). The paper is a critical summary of the current alternative aviation fuels/pathways and a comparative analysis of the dominant technologies considering techno-economic assessment, environmental evaluation, and future projections. Final considerations are […]

Innovation Days 2023 in Greece

A new opportunity for BioSFerA to be introduced to the Greek stakeholders’ community: CERTH participated with its own stand in the Innovation Days 2023 exhibition held in the region of Western Macedonia Greece under the auspices of the Prefecture of Western Macedonia. From 7th until 9th of February, the exhibition gathered the entire research community […]

Presenting BioSFerA at the Biomass Day 2023

Today, the Biomass Day 2023 event is taking place in Athens. The Greek conference is dedicated to the bioenergy role in the energy crisis and gathers public authorities and main scientific community representatives to deal with this topic. Considering the Russia-Ukraine war and global geopolitical conflicts, it is always increasingly difficult to operate bearing in […]

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery Journal: a new paper on BioSFerA

The CERTH team published a new scientific paper resulting from the development of the BioSFerA’s concept. The publication, entitled “Design considerations of an integrated thermochemical/biochemical route for aviation and maritime biofuel production“, describes the conceptual design of the novel integrated thermochemical-biochemical BtL process performed in our project. The process design has been analysed considering three […]

Updates from BioSFerA H2020: biological process status and forward project’s steps

Another important General Assembly meeting was held last October within the BioSFerA Consortium.  On this occasion, the partners met in Ghent (Belgium), at the Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant’s headquarter: last project updates and an interesting tour at the biobased process plant made well successful the meeting at BBEPP. At this stage of the project, […]

The biological pathway for the fuels of the future

Interview with Jose M Sanz Martin, CARTIF A central step to fully comply with the successful operation of the BioSFerA model is to ensure the highest yield of the fermentation steps by optimizing the different parameters that influence the biomass growth and its productivity. In the project, CARTIF is one of the partners with an […]

CSIC poster on the microbial lipids research in BioSFerA

Last 2-4 November, CSIC participated at the 6th Congress of Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe. An important opportunity to show the last results about BioSFerA through the presentation of a poster entitled “Lipase overexpression in Yarrowia lipolytica for direct biofuel production“. It describes the research work led by our partner CSIC in the framework of […]