
Articles & Papers

Articles & Papers

CERTH at ECOS Conference 2021

CERTH presented its research work on “Aviation & maritime biofuels production via a combined thermochemical/biochemical
pathway: A conceptual design and process simulation study
” at the 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization,
Simulation and Environmental Impact of Energy Systems (ECOS),
Giardini Naxos (Taormina), 28th June 28 – 2nd July, 2021.

Download to see the Conference presentation.

CERTH at GCGW Conference 2021

CERTH presented its research work on “Screening of biogenic residues and setting up sustainable scenarios for commercial biorefineries around Europe” at the 9th Global Conference on Global Warming Virtual conference (GCGW), Croatia, 1st-4th August 2021.

Download to see the Conference presentation.

Activated Carbons for Syngas Desulfurization: Evaluating Approaches for Enhancing Low-Temperature H2S Oxidation Rate

Paper by VTT – Technical Research Centre of Finland on ChemEngineering journal, MDPI (authors: Christian Frilund, Ilkka Hiltunen and Pekka Simell).

Integrating greenhouse gas capture and C1 biotechnology: a key challenge for circular economy.

Opinion-editorial letter by José L. García,Beatriz Galán from CSIC to the Microbial Biotechnology Journal.

Highlighting biofuels production from syngas fermentation – Setting the course for sustainable aviation and marine fuels

Publication on the specialised magazine Biofuel International regarding BioSFerA first year results. Authors: Maarten Van Haute (Q8 Research), Konstantinos Atsonios (CERTH).

Fluidized bed gasification of wastes and syngas processing

Poster by VTT – Ville Nikkanen presents its research work on syngas processing at the 2022 International Freiberg Conference on Waste Gasification.

Lipase overexpression in Yarrowia lipolytica for direct biofuel production

Poster by CSIC – the research team presented its work on oleaginous yeasts metabolic engineering at the 6th Congress of Applied Synthetic Biology in Europe

Waste as Resources: Innovative technologies for recycling and recovery.

Environment Park at the ECOMONDO Fair 2022 (Bologna, Italy) – slideshow.

BioSFerA project on Innovazione Ecologica

General article – BioSFerA Project with a dedicated article in the Italian specialised magazine Innovazione Tecnologica (p. 70) (Author: Environment Park).

Influence  of acetate as main carbon source for lipid production via oleaginous yeast fermentation

Poster by CARTIF – work presented during the 2nd GREENERING International Conference in Valladolid (Spain), 21st-23rd March 2023.

A comparative analysis and assessment of Dual Fluidized Bed and Chemical Looping Gasification: Design considerations for commercial use and applicability in BtL schemes 

Joint conference paper by CERTH with CLARA EU H2020 project, presented at the 31st European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, June 2023.

Marine and jet biofuel production via hydrotreating of Triacylglycerides

10th International Conference on Sustainable Solid Waste Management, 21-24 June 2023 Chania Greece. Poster presented by CERTH. Authors: A. Dimitriadis, V. Vasdekis, C. Kekes, S. Bezergianni


“Piloting of gasification and gas fermentation plants: BioSFerA Project” is the title of the article dedicated to BioSFerA where Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant and VTT explain the pilot plant activity to the newsletter’s community of EERA, the European Alliance for excellent research in sustainable bioenergy. 

BioSFerA reveals key results from a ground-breaking approach for advanced biofuel production – A success story

Article in Biofuels International magazine, March/April 2024, Issue 2, Volume 18, pag 26. Authors Maarten Van Haute KPRT, Kostis Atsonios CERTH with inputs from all partners.

Demonstrating Pilot-Scale Gas Fermentation for Acetate Production from Biomass-Derived Syngas Streams

Scientific paper published by Bio Base Europe Pilot Plant and VTT on Fermentation 2024, MDPI journal, special issue Microbial Fixation of CO2 to Fuels and Chemicals (May 2024).

Triacylglycerides to marine and jet biofuel via hydrotreating.

Poster presentation by CERTH, 15th European Congress on Catalysis, EUROPACAT 2023. August 27-September 1, 2023, Prague, Czech Republic.